About Charles
My Story
My name is Charles O’Brien and I’ve been doing astrophotography as a hobby for the past five years. My love for astronomy started at a very young age through constant outings with my father to see celestial events always occuring in the cosmos above us. I have memories of being brought out in the middle of the night to see Jupiter and Saturn through his 8″ Meade LX200 Schmitt-Cassegrain Telescope. I experienced my first solar eclipse in first grade during a trip fo Europe. Around this same time, I took my first space photo and got published in Sky and Telescope Magazine. Ever since, I strive to always look up and capture the heavens to share with the world.
During the day, I’m a mechanical engineer in the aerospace industry. I received my bachelor of science and master of science in mechanical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. While at Mines, I served as the president of the Astronomy club in my freshmen year. I enjoy everything about being a mechnical engineer, and you can often find me tinkering in my shop while my photos expose outdoors.